DIS - Case Record for 02-1891-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
12/13/2022 Notice of Cancellation of Certificate No. 02-038G with an effective date of 07/05/2022 electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
04/13/2022 Service Notice.
04/12/2022 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that, consistent with this Entry, the Gas Companies be authorized to terminate ECO from their respective supplier programs; ordering that ECO and the Gas Companies work together to effectuate an orderly transition of ECO’s customers to the default service provided by each of the Gas Companies or to an alternate supply option requested by the customer and ordering that ECO and each of the Gas Companies continue to advise the Commission’s Service Monitoring and Enforcement Department, as to their progress in transitioning customers to default service or to an alternate supply option requested by the customer electronically filed by Kelli C. King on behalf of Sarah J. Parrot, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
04/06/2022 Application of Abandonment of Certificate as a Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Loni R Sammons on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
04/06/2022 Notice to PUCO of Notice to be sent to Customers and the Ohio Consumers' Counsel electronically filed by Loni R Sammons on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
04/06/2022 Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Loni R Sammons on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
04/06/2022 Notice of Appearance of Counsel of A. Firstenberger and P. Leithart on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio electronically filed by Loni R Sammons on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio
04/05/2022 Application Requesting Authority to Terminate and Request for Expedited Treatment electronically filed by Christopher T. Kennedy on behalf of The East Ohio Gas Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Ohio.
04/01/2022 Correspondence regarding the transition of Energy Cooperative of Ohio's customers to Columbia Gas of Ohio default sales service electronically filed by Ms. Melissa L. Thompson on behalf of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
01/07/2021 Certificate No. 02-038G (Revised) issued and electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner-Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
12/14/2020 Certificate No. 02-038G issued electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
12/11/2020 Certificate No. 02-038G issued electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO staff.
11/10/2020 Application Renewal of Certification Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/20/2020 Motion for Extension of Certification Expiration Date and Memorandum in Support electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/25/2018 Renewal Certificate # 02-038G(9) issued.
09/24/2018 Amended Application Exhibits C-5 and C-7 amended in the Renewal Certification Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
09/17/2018 Renewal application of Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/24/2016 Renewal certificate No. 02-038G (8) issued.
08/29/2016 Amended Application to Section A-1 of the Renewal Certification Competitive Retail Natural Gas Suppliers electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
08/25/2016 Renewal application for Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/21/2014 Renewal Certificate No. 02-038G (7) issued.
10/01/2014 Supplemental Filing to Exhibit C-4 to Renewal Certification Application electronically filed by Mr. John L Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
09/18/2014 Renewal Application for Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier electronically filed by Mr. John L. Einstein IV, Esq. on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/22/2012 Renewal Certificate 02-038G(6) issued.
10/17/2012 Support documentation for reduction of Dominion surety bond for the PUCO Certification electronically filed by Mr. John M Zornes on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio and Zornes, John M Mr.
10/17/2012 Confirmation of reduction of surety bond for Columbia Gas for PUCO Certification electronically filed by Mr. John M Zornes on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio and Zornes, John M Mr.
10/17/2012 Documents in support of reduction in surety bond for Dominion and Columbia Gas for PUCO Certification, electronically filed by Mr. John M Zornes on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio and Mr. John M Zornes.
09/19/2012 Application Renewal of Energy Cooperative of Ohio for Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier Certification, electronically filed by Teresa Orahood on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio.
10/26/2010 Certificate 02-038G(5) issued.
09/23/2010 Service Notice
09/23/2010 Entry ordering that the motion for extension of ECO's certificate expiration date be granted; that the September 26, 2010, expiration date be extended to October 16, 2010. (KLS)
09/20/2010 Motion to extend the effective date of Energy Cooperative of Ohio's current Ohio competitive retail natural gas marketer certificate and memorandum in support filed by L. McAlister.
09/16/2010 Renewal certification application of Energy Cooperative of Ohio filed by L. McAlister.
10/02/2008 Certificate 02-038 (4) issued.
09/04/2008 Replacement page 2 of 7 to the application for certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier that was filed on September 3, 2008, filed on behalf of Energy Cooperative of Ohio by L. McAlister.
09/03/2008 Renewal application of Energy Cooperative of Ohio for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier filed by L. McAlister.
08/26/2008 Renewal application of Energy Cooperative of Ohio for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier filed by L. McAlister.
10/24/2006 Certificate number 02-038 (3) issued.
08/23/2006 Renewal application of Energy Cooperative of Ohio for certification as a retail natural gas aggregator and retail natural gas marketer.
10/18/2004 Renewal Certificate issued 02-038(2) effective September 25, 2004- September 25, 2006.
09/21/2004 Redacted version of the financing agreement submitted under seal as Exhibit C-4 to it's certificate renewal application by L. McAlister.
09/16/2004 Service Notice
09/16/2004 Entry ordering that the motion of ECO for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part; that the motion of MME for a protective order is granted in part and denied in part; that the request of ECO for a waiver of the 18-month time period contained in Rule 4901-1-24(F), O.A.C. is denied. (JS)
08/25/2004 Confidential Exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5 contained in applicants application (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/25/2004 Renewal application for certification for competitive retail natural gas suppliers, filed on behalf of applicant by L. McAlister.
08/25/2004 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Einstein, IV.
07/17/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Service notice filed.
07/14/2003 Entry ordering that the motions for protective order are granted in part and denied in part; that, for 6 months from the date of this entry the Docketing Division of the Commission maintain under seal the protected information; that GASMARK's supplemental C-5 be redacted from the public record and placed under seal for 6 months; that the requests of Volunteer, Energy America, AEP, ECO and ProLiance for a waiver of the 18-month time frame is denied; that OCC's motions to intervene are denied; that ACN's motion for expedited treatment of its certification application is denied; that Volunteer's motion for a protective order is granted; that the Case Nos. 02-1654-GA-CRS, 02-1668-GA-CRS, 02-1680-GA-CRS, 02-1786-GA-CRS, 02-1828-GA-CRS, 02-1829-GA-CRS, 02-1864-GA-CRS, 02-1889-GA-CRS, 02-1891-GA-CRS, 02-1893-GA-CRS, 02-1909-GA-CRS, 02-1926-GA-CRS, and 02-1968-GA-CRS be closed of record. (GP)
09/30/2002 Certificate No. 02-038(1) issued.
09/30/2002 Service Notice.
09/27/2002 Memo to issue certificate effective 9/26/02.
09/26/2002 Finding & Order approving the applications; that ECO is authorized to provide competitive retail natural gas service, as a marketer and aggregator, in Ohio, for a period of two years, beginning on September 26, 2002 and ending on September 26, 2004; Eagle is authorized to provide competitive retail natural gas service, as an aggregator, in Ohio, for a period of two years, beginning on September 26, 2002 and ending on September 26, 2004; that the Docketing Division issue certificates to ECO and Eagle in accordance with the decision; that Case No. 02-1891-GA-CRS remain open for a ruling on the protective order request; Case No. 02-1911-GA-AGG is closed of record.
09/26/2002 Memo automatically approving the application with the effective date of September 26, 2002.
09/10/2002 Supplemental information on behalf of the Energy Cooperative of Ohio filed by J. Migden.
09/09/2002 Supplemental information on behalf of the Energy Cooperative of Ohio filed by J. Migden.
08/23/2002 Entry ordering that approval of this application be suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (PD)
07/25/2002 Confidential Exhibits C-3, C-4 and C-5 filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/25/2002 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by J. Migden.
07/25/2002 In the matter of the application of Energy Cooperative of Ohio for certification as a retail natural gas supplier.