DIS - Case Record for 02-1757-GA-CRS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
11/03/2022 Notice of Intent Not to Renew CRNGS Certificate electronically filed by Mr. Michael A. Nugent on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, LLC.
04/29/2022 Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Oliker on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, LLC.
01/31/2022 Notice of Material Change of Ownership electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Oliker on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, LLC.
12/30/2021 Notice of Material Change electronically filed by Mr. Joseph E. Oliker on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, LLC.
11/10/2020 Notice from Applicant concerning DES Transfer of Ohio Residential and Small Commercial Customer Contracts filed by Mark C Fink on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions Inc.
09/16/2020 Certificate No. 02-018G electronically filed by Ms. Alla Magaziner -Tempesta on behalf of PUCO Staff.
09/08/2020 In the Matter of the Application of Dominion Energy Solutions Inc.
08/13/2020 Confidential Document Target - Exhibits C-2, C-3, C-4 and C-9 filed by T. Everette on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions. (47 Pages)
08/12/2020 Renewal Application of Dominion Energy Solutions Inc.
02/12/2020 Notice of Material Change to Business Primary Email Address electronically filed by Ms. Madeline Fleisher on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, Inc.
08/16/2019 Notice of material change filed by T. Everette on behalf of Dominion Energy Services, Inc.
08/15/2018 Renewal Certificate # 02-018G(9) issued.
06/26/2018 Renewal application of Dominion Energy Solutions, Inc. for certification as a Retail Natural Gas Aggregator/ Broker/Marketer filed by P Arbogast.
06/26/2018 Confidential document target: Exhibit C-3 & C-5 filed by B. Royer on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, inc. (8 pages)
07/19/2017 Notification of material change filed by B. Royer on behalf of Dominion Energy Solutions, Inc.
09/07/2016 Notice of change of address filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. dba Dominion Energy Solutions by K. Schnarrenberger.
08/15/2016 Renewal Certificate #02-018G(8) issued.
07/07/2016 Confidential document target: Exhibits C-3 & C-5 filed by Dominion Retail, Inc. (15 pages)
07/07/2016 Renewal Application Continued. (Part 2 of 2)
07/07/2016 Renewal application of Dominion Retail, Inc. for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier. (Part 1 of 2)
09/08/2014 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by Dominion Retail be granted and that the Commission's docketing division maintain, under seal, exhibits C-3 and C-5, which were filed under seal in this docket on June 17 and July 15, 2014, for a period of 24 months, ending on August 13, 2016. Further, the docketing division shall release, on September 12, 2014, exhibits C-3 and C-5, which were filed as part of Dominion Retail’s 2012 renewal application; electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
09/08/2014 Service Notice
08/25/2014 Confidential Document Target for Exhibit C-3 and C-5 filed by B. Royer on Dominion Retail Inc, (12 pages)
08/25/2014 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed by B. Royer on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc.
07/21/2014 Certificate No. 02-018G(7) issued.
07/15/2014 Additional information to the application of Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by Gay Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc.
07/15/2014 Confidential treatment of document: Exhibit C-5 filed by Gary A. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. (pg ct 4)
07/15/2014 Motion for protective order and Submission of additional supplemental materials filed by Gary Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Resources Services Inc.
06/17/2014 Confidential document target for Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail Inc. (16 pgs.)
06/17/2014 Renewal application continued. (Part 2 of 2)
06/17/2014 Renewal certification application competitive retail natural gas suppliers filed by G.A. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. (Part 1 of 2)
04/23/2014 Correspondence to update Regulatory contact information for Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by G. Jeffries.
11/07/2013 Notification of material change to information previously provided; updated contact information for customer complaints filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries.
03/28/2013 Notice of change in the contact information filed by Gary Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc.
09/14/2012 Confidential Release for Dominion Retail, Inc.'s Portions of Exhibit C-3 originally filed May 29, 2012.
09/14/2012 Confidential Release for Dominion Retail, Inc.'s Portions of Exhibit C-3, originally filed August 6, 2012.
09/04/2012 Service Notice
09/04/2012 Attorney Examiner Entry ordering that the motion for protective order filed by Dominion Retail be granted, in part, and denied in part electronically filed by Vesta R Miller on behalf of Kerry K. Sheets, Attorney Examiner, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
08/06/2012 Motion and Memorandum in Support for Protective Order of Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by Barth E. Royer.
08/06/2012 Confidential Document Target of Dominion Retail, Inc. for Exhibit C-3 and Exhibit C-5 filed by Barth E. Royer.
06/29/2012 Certificate No. 02-018G(6) issued
05/29/2012 Confidential document target: Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. (18 pages)
05/29/2012 Renewal application (part 2 of 2)
05/29/2012 Renewal application as a competitive retail natural gas supplier for Dominion Retail, Inc. filed by G.Jefferies. (Part 1of 2)
06/29/2011 Certificate 02-018G(5) issued.
06/16/2011 Renewal Certificate No. 02-018G(5) issued.
08/25/2010 Confidential release of exhibit filed on May 5, 2010.
08/17/2010 Service Notice
08/17/2010 Entry granting in part and denying in part the motion for protective order in accordance with Findings (5) and (6); that August 25th, 2010 we should release the Dominion Resources financial statements, filed as part of exhibit C-3 on May 5, 2010. (HHPG)
07/14/2010 Certificate 02-018G(5) issued.
05/05/2010 Renewal application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier and motion for protective order filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. (PART 2 of 2)
05/05/2010 Renewal application for certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier and motion for protective order filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. (PART 1 of 2)
05/05/2010 Confidential document: Exhibits C-3 & C-5, filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail Inc. (15 PAGES)
10/15/2009 Notification of material change filed by B. Royer on behalf of Dominion Retail Inc.
07/29/2008 Certificate Number 02-018 (4) issued.
07/18/2008 Service Notice
07/18/2008 Entry ordered that the motion by Dominion for protective treatment of Schedules C-3a, C3b, and C-5 of the certification applications filed on July 15, 2002 and July 2, 2004 be granted, ordered that the Commission's docketing division shall maintain under seal for a period of 3 months from the date of this entry . (JWK)
06/24/2008 Letter requesting leave of the Commission to file supplemental financial information in support of the renewal application filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries.
06/24/2008 Renewal application continued. (Part 4 of 4)
06/24/2008 Application for renewal certification as a competitive retail natural gas supplier filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries. (Part 1 of 4)
06/24/2008 Renewal application continued. (Part 3 of 4)
06/24/2008 Renewal application continued. (Part 2 of 4)
06/24/2008 Confidential document: Exhibits C-3 and C-5 filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries.
08/31/2007 Letter regarding the merger of Consolidated Natural Gas Company (CNG) with and into its parent company, Dominion Resources, Inc., closed on June 30, 2007, filed by G.Scott Hetzer.
01/08/2007 Service Notice
01/08/2007 Entry ordering that Dominion Retail's motion for protective order for Exhibits C-3(a), C-3(b), and C-5 be granted and maintained under seal for a period of 24 months from the date of this entry. (CP)
08/16/2006 Certificate 02-018 (3) issued.
07/11/2006 Confidential exhibits C-3 a, C-3 b and C-5 filed on behalf of Dominion Retail Inc.
07/11/2006 Renewal application cont'd (Part 3 of 3)
07/11/2006 Renewal application cont'd (Part 2 of 3)
07/11/2006 Renewal application of Dominion Retail Inc. for Renewal Certification as a Competitive Retail Natural Gas Supplier and motion for protective order, filed by G. Jeffries.
08/17/2004 Renewal certification application, Exhibits C-1 and C-2 continued. (Part 2 of 2)
08/17/2004 Renewal certification application, Exhibits C-1 and C-2 filed by G. Jeffries on behalf of Dominion Retail Inc. (Part 1 of 2)
08/17/2004 Certificate 02-018(2) issued.
07/02/2004 Renewal certification application of Dominion Retail, Inc. for certification by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio as a competitive retail natural gas supplier and motion for protective order filed by G. Jeffries.
07/02/2004 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of Dominion Retail, Inc. by G. Jeffries.
07/02/2004 Exhibits C-3a, C-3b and C-5 of financial information and forecasted financial statements, filed on behalf of applicant by G. Jeffries. (FILED UNDER SEAL)
08/15/2002 Certificate No. 02-018 (1) issued.
07/15/2002 Exhibit C-5 to the application (FILED UNDER SEAL).
07/15/2002 Exhibit C-3(a) to the application (FILED UNDER SEAL)
07/15/2002 In the matter of the application of Dominion Retail, Inc. for certification as a retail natural gas supplier and motion for protective order.