DIS - Case Record for 01-3058-TP-ATA Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
07/06/2010 Memo closing case with an effective date of 7/6/2010, electronically filed by Michelle A Green on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
10/24/2008 Correspondence reporting on compliance with the September 24, 2008 Entry electronically filed by Mrs. Verneda J. Engram on behalf of AT&T Ohio
09/25/2008 Service notice.
09/24/2008 Entry ordered that within 30 days of the date of this entry, AT&T Ohio shall transfer to Ohio United Way all remaining dollars in the Customer Fund and Ohio United Way shall use the funds to expand 2-1-1 service in Ohio,ordered that upon transfer AT&T Ohio may then close its accounting records for the Customer Fund.
07/12/2006 Service Notice
07/12/2006 Entry ordering that AT&T Ohio shall retain the remaining $13,129.70 in Customer Fund and use the dollars to cover the nonrecurring implementation costs associated with the provision of 2-1-1 service in those counties served by AT&T Ohio 2-1-1 service has not yet been implemented.
05/02/2003 Final tariff, PUCO No. 20, filed on behalf of applicant by R. Wentz.
04/24/2003 Finding and order approving applications and closing case of record.
04/24/2003 Service notice filed.
04/18/2003 Conditional notice of withdrawal of motion to intervene, filed on behalf of Ohio Council of Informative & Referral Providers and The 211 Ohio Collaborative by B. Royer.
11/15/2002 Supplemental memorandum in support of motion to intervene filed on behalf of Ohio Council of Information & Referral Providers and The 211 Ohio Collaborative by B. Royer.
11/04/2002 Proposed amended tariff, PUCO No. 20, Part 1, Section 2, 3rd sheet 2; Section 3, 8th sheet 1, 6th sheet 4; Part 8, Section 6, 1st sheet 1, original sheets 2 and 3, filed on behalf of applicant by J. Kelly.
12/28/2001 Reply of Ohio Council of information & referral providers and the 211 Ohio Collaborative to Ameritech Ohio memorandum contra, filed by B. Royer.
12/20/2001 Entry ordering that the Ameritech's application in this case is suspended until the Commission specifically orders otherwise. (AE)
12/20/2001 Service notice
12/18/2001 Ameritech Ohio's memorandum contra filed by J. Kelly.
11/30/2001 Motion to intervene of Ohio Council of information & referral providers and the 211 Ohio Collaborative, filed by B. Royer.
11/27/2001 In the matter of the proposed tariff for 2-1-1 service on 10/25/01. Ameritech Ohio makes this public filing to accommodate the staff's request.