DIS - Case Record for 01-2472-GA-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
03/25/2003 Second entry on rehearing dismissing the joint application for rehearing filed on March 10, 2003 by Thomas Owen Mustric and Marcellina Tanuhandaru.
03/13/2003 Entry ordering motion requesting that signatures be added to our Opinion and Order be denied, that motion requesting leave to file a motion for a default judgement be denied, ordered that application for rehearing be denied.
03/10/2003 Instanter with request for leave and application for rehearing filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric and M. Tanuhandaru.
02/19/2003 Instanter sua ponte request for leave of court to file motion for default judgment to collect $1121.36 from respondent, Columbia Gas of Ohio, filed on behalf of complainant by H. Mustric.
02/13/2003 Application for rehearing, instanter sua ponte motion to refile complain filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
02/13/2003 Motion instanter Sua Ponte for signatures and service of opinion and order dated February 5, 2003 filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
02/06/2003 Service Notice.
02/05/2003 Opinion & Order denying Columbia's motion to dismiss the claims; that the complaint be denied; that Columbia develop a collections and disconnection training manual with the PUCO staff; that this case be closed of record.
10/29/2002 Reply brief of respondent Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. filed by T. Gallagher,
10/29/2002 Reply brief of complainant Marcellina Tanuhandaru.
10/29/2002 Reply brief of complainant Helen Mustric.
10/29/2002 Relay brief of complainant Thomas Mustric.
10/15/2002 Initial brief of Thomas Mustric.
10/15/2002 Post-hearing brief filed by T. Gallagher.
10/15/2002 Initial brief of Marcellina Tanuhandaru.
10/15/2002 Initial brief of Helen L. Mustric.
09/25/2002 Entry ordering that Complainant's motion for a continuance of the briefing schedule so that briefs are to be filed on October 15, 2002, and reply briefs on October 29, 2002 be granted. (SD)
09/25/2002 Service Notice.
09/19/2002 Motion of complainant for additional time for filing brief until October 15, 2002, filed by T. Mustric.
09/17/2002 Transcript filed for hearing held September 4, 2002, (SD), 120 pgs., Submitted. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
09/03/2002 Motion opposing respondent Columbia Gas of Ohio's motion to quash subpoena and memorandum, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
09/03/2002 Motion to quash subpoena and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Frank Yonadi and Bermex Incorporated by T. Gallagher.
08/30/2002 Motion to quash subpoena and memorandum filed on behalf of respondent, Columbia Gas of Ohio, by T. Gallagher.
08/28/2002 Subpoena to Frank Yonadi, c/o Bermex Incorporated, filed.
08/28/2002 Subpoena to Robert C. Skaggs, Jr., Columbia Gas of Ohio, filed.
08/28/2002 Proof of service of subpoena for Frank Yonadi c/o Bermex Incorporated, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
08/28/2002 Proof of service of subpoena to Robert C. Skaggs, Jr., Columbia Gas of Ohio, filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
07/22/2002 Service Notice.
07/18/2002 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on September 4, 2002, Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
07/18/2002 Request pro se for continuance of hearing date set July 22, 2002, filed on behalf of complainants by T. Mustric, H. Mustric, and M. Tanuhandaru.
07/17/2002 Letter stating that Thomas Mustric has received a $500 loan each month for several years for living expenses, filed by H. Mustric.
05/13/2002 Request of complainants' representative Thomas Owen Mustric pro se for continuance of hearing date set May 15, 2002, filed by T. Mustric, H. Mustric, and M. Tanuhandaru.
05/03/2002 Service notice.
05/03/2002 Entry ordering that a prehearing conference be scheduled in this matter of 2:00 p.m. on 5/15/02, in conference room 1252 at the offices of the Commission, 180 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. (AE)
02/27/2002 Motion to supplement formal discovery, filed by T. Mustric.
02/27/2002 Motion to set hearing date before 3/19/02, filed by T. Mustric.
02/27/2002 Motion to compel discovery, filed by T. Mustric.
10/22/2001 Answer and request for continuance filed on behalf of respondent, Columbia Gas of Ohio, by T. Gallagher.
10/09/2001 Motion for informal discovery filed on behalf of complainant by T. Mustric.
10/02/2001 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on October 17, 2001, at the Commission ofices. (AE)
09/25/2001 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Stephen B. Seiple, Columbia Gas of Ohio.
09/20/2001 In the matter of the complaint of Thomas Owen Mustric and Helen L. Mustric and Marcellina Tanuhandaru (vs) Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. relative to the alleged unjust and unreasonable charges for gas service.