DIS - Case Record for 01-0567-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
10/25/2001 Service Notice.
10/24/2001 Entry ordering that the complainant's motion for dismissal, without prejudice, is granted; that this matter be closed of record.
10/09/2001 Complainant's notice of dismissal filed by M. Gareau
10/09/2001 Notice of dismissal filed on behalf of complainant by M. Gareau.
10/09/2001 Complainant's notice of dismissal filed by M. Gareau
10/04/2001 Depositions continued. (Part 2 of 2)
10/04/2001 Notice of filing depositions and depositions of: Robert Hartman, Michael C. Liptak, Jr., Ronald Nicklos, and James O'Brien, filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt. (Part 1 of 2)
10/04/2001 Return of service of subpoena (James O'Brien) filed.
10/04/2001 Return of service of subpoena (Ronald Nicklos) filed.
10/04/2001 Witness list filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
10/03/2001 Notice of filing of depositions of the following witnesses: Brian E. Lowe, Robert Schornik, Wallace Tanner, and Scott Lindsey, filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart.
10/03/2001 Deposition of Scott Lindsey taken August 17, 2001, filed.
10/03/2001 Deposition of Brian Lowe taken August 9, 2001, filed.
10/03/2001 Deposition of Robert Schornik taken August 10, 2001, filed.
10/03/2001 Deposition of Wallace Tanner taken August 14, 2001, filed.
10/03/2001 Application for subpoena (Robert Hartman) filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
10/03/2001 List of witnesses filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
10/03/2001 Application for subpoenas filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
10/01/2001 Reply brief in support of motion for protective order, filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart. (FILED 9/28/01)
09/28/2001 Affidavit of Wallace W. Walker, Jr. filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
09/28/2001 Memorandum contra motion for protective order filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
09/28/2001 Application for subpoena (James O'Brien) filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
09/28/2001 Application for subpoena (Ronald Nicklos) filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
09/25/2001 Motion for protective order filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
09/10/2001 Service Notice.
09/05/2001 Entry ordering that the complainant's motion to establish a deposition schedule is granted as discussed in Finding 5; that the complainant's motion for protective orders is denied as discussed in Finding 5; that complainant's motion for a continuance is granted and the hearing is rescheduled to October 10, 2001, at 10:00 a.m., Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
08/27/2001 Return of service of subpoena to Ron Nicklos filed.
08/21/2001 Application for subpoena duces tecum (for Todd A. Schrader), filed on behalf of respondent, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., by M. Whitt.
08/21/2001 Application for subpoena duces tecum (for Ronald Nicklos) filed on behalf of respondent, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., by M. Whitt.
08/09/2001 Return of service of subpoena to James O'Brien filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by G. See.
08/07/2001 Motion for continuance of hearing and memorandum in support filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
08/07/2001 Motion for protective order concerning deposition noticed on three days' notice and motion to establish deposition schedule and/or order of depositions (motion for protective order) filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau and H. Eckhart.
08/07/2001 Application for subpoena duces tecum filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
07/30/2001 Notice of appearance of additional counsel for complainant, filed on behalf of complainant by H. Eckhart.
07/10/2001 Service Notice
07/10/2001 Entry denying complainant's motion for protective orders as discussed in Findings 5 and 9; complainant's motion to amend complaint is granted as discussed in Finding 12; complainant's motion to compel discovery is denied as discussed in Finding 14. (AE)
07/06/2001 Reply memorandum in support of respondent's cross motion to compel discovery filed by M. Whitt.
06/26/2001 Brief in opposition to respondent's cross-motion to compel discovery and reply brief in support of motion to compel and motion for protective order, filed on behalf of complainant by D. Gareau.
06/05/2001 Memorandum contra complainant's motion for protective order and motion to compel response to discovery; respondent's cross motion to compel discovery, filed on behalf of respondent, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., by M. Whitt.
06/05/2001 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., by M. Whitt.
05/21/2001 Motion for leave to file amended complaint instanter; motion for protective order; motion to compel response to discovery filed by D. Gareau on behalf of All Erection & Crane Rental Corporation.
05/04/2001 Service Notice.
05/03/2001 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on August 28, 2001, Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
05/03/2001 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on August 28, 2001, Hearing Room 11-F, Commission offices. (AE)
05/03/2001 Return of service of subpoena duces tecum for Michael Kotula filed.
05/03/2001 Return of service of subpoena duces tecum for Parkbrook Development Corp. c/o Michael Kotula filed.
05/01/2001 Application for subpoena duces tecum (for Michael Kotula) filed on behalf of respondent, CEI, by M. Whitt.
05/01/2001 Application for subpoena duces tecum (for Parkbrook Development Corp.) filed on behalf of respondent, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., by M. Whitt.
04/05/2001 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 1:30 p.m. on April 23, 2001, at the Commission offices, Hearing Room 11-D. (AE)
03/28/2001 Answer of the respondent, The Illuminating Company filed by M. Whitt
03/08/2001 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: James W. Burk, FirstEnergy Corp., and CEI, office of the president.
03/08/2001 In the matter of the complaint of All Erection & Crane Rental Corporation (vs) FirstEnergy Corp. and The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company relative to the alleged unjust and unreasonable charges for electric service.