DIS - Case Record for 00-0138-EL-CSS Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
06/08/2000 Entry dismissing this complaint and closing the case of record. (2 pgs.)
06/08/2000 Entry dismissing complaint and closing case.
05/19/2000 Withdrawal of complaint and request for termination of docket, filed on behalf of complainant by G. Giannamore. (1 pg.)
05/09/2000 Transcript filed for hearing held 4/25/00, (SD), 6 pgs., Con't. (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
04/20/2000 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of respondent, Columbus Southern Power, by J. Reeves. (3 pgs.)
04/19/2000 Notice of substitution of counsel filed on behalf of respon- dent, Columbus Southern Power, by J. Reeves. (1 pg.)
04/11/2000 Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by G. Giannamore. (2 pgs.)
04/04/2000 Entry scheduling a hearing at 10:00 a.m. on April 25, 2000, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/09/2000 Answer filed on behalf of respondent, American Electric Power on behalf of Columbus Southern Power, by M. Resnik. (6 pgs.)
02/09/2000 Additional information filed on behalf of complainant by G. Gainnamore. (4 pgs.)
02/04/2000 Entry scheduling a settlement conference at 10:00 a.m. on February 22, 2000, at the Commission offices. (AE) (2 pgs.)
02/03/2000 Request filed on behalf of complainant by G. Giannamore. (4 pgs.)
01/28/2000 Amended complaint filed on behalf of complainant by G. Giannamore. (2 pgs.)
01/24/2000 Complaint letter and copy of complaint mailed to: Marvin I. Resnik, American Electric Power Co. (1 pg.)
01/21/2000 In the matter of the complaint of Gary L. Giannamore (vs) American Electric Power Co. relative to the alleged unjust and unlawful overbilling for electric service. (9 pgs.)