DIS - Case Record for 00-0100-EL-BGN Skip to main content
DATE OF SERVICE: ________________________________________
02/05/2002 Oversized document filed.
01/30/2002 Service notice
01/28/2002 Entry ordering that motion to withdraw its application in this should be granted and closed as a matter of record.
12/03/2001 Notice of withdrawal of application, filed by E. Rizer.
11/30/2001 Notice of withdrawal of application, filed by E. Rizer.
10/04/2001 Answers to intervenors' first set of interrogatories, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
09/04/2001 Service Notice.
08/31/2001 Entry ordering that the hearing reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on December 11, 2001, at the Commission offices. (AE)
08/31/2001 Reply to applicant's amended motion for a continuance, filed on behalf of The Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox by R. Sugarman.
08/23/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by H. Ehret, Ohio Environmental Council.
08/23/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by H. Ehret, Ohio Environmental Council. (1 pg.)
08/23/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by H. Ehret, Ohio Environmental Council.
08/21/2001 Amended motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
08/13/2001 Letter regarding a corporate name change, filed on behalf of applicant by M. Goubeaux.
08/13/2001 Opposition to applicant's motion for an "indefinite" continuance, filed on behalf of The Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox by R. Sugarman.
08/03/2001 Motion for continuance and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
06/06/2001 Service Notice.
06/05/2001 Entry ordering that the hearing reconvene at 10:00 a.m. on August 21, 2001, Commission offices. (AE)
06/04/2001 Notice of filing of facility noise assessment, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
06/01/2001 Response letter to Jack E. Tilley filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
06/01/2001 Response letter to W. Carolyn Tilley filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
05/31/2001 Correspondence letter addressed to Chairman Schriber opposing the application, filed by Jack E. & W. Carolyn Tilley.
05/31/2001 Correspondence letter addressed to Commissioner Ronda Hartman Fergus opposing the application, filed by Jack E. & W. Carolyn Tilley.
05/21/2001 Correspondence letter filed by Sam and Pat Schooley.
05/21/2001 Correspondence letter filed by Ferry and Betty Bowen.
04/27/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Heidi Ehret, Ohio Environmental Council.
04/27/2001 Response letter to Heidi Ehret, Ohio Environmental Council, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff.
04/23/2001 Articles published in local newspapers filed on behalf of Gorsuch Enterprises by L. Gorsuch.
04/17/2001 Service Notice.
04/16/2001 Entry granting applicant's motion to supplement its application; scheduling a conference at 10:00 a.m. on April 24, 2001, Hearing Room 1252, Commission offices. (AE)
02/26/2001 Response letter to M. Brian Dunson, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
02/20/2001 Reply memorandum to intervenors' response to applicant's motion to supplement application information, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
02/15/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by M. Brian Dunson.
02/15/2001 Correspondence regarding the application, filed by Chris Collins, Fairfield Homes, Inc.
02/09/2001 Intervenors' response to applicants motion to supplement application information filed by R. Sugarman
01/31/2001 Motion to supplement application information and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
01/26/2001 Response letter to Gail V. Ellinger, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff.
01/26/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed on behalf of the Ohio General Assembly by J. Hottinger.
01/22/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, field by Peg Fulk.
01/22/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Harold & Pat Joos.
01/18/2001 Additional information filed on behalf of Fairfield Homes by C. Collins.
01/18/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Gail V. Ellinger.
01/17/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Gail V. Ellinger.
01/17/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Meeds.
01/16/2001 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Chris Collins.
01/10/2001 Notice of filing of corrected Figure 04-8 in application, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
01/03/2001 Correspondence filed on behalf of Fairfield Homes, Inc. by C. Collins.
12/28/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Chris Collins, Fairfield Homes, Inc.
12/22/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Gail Ellinger.
12/22/2000 Response letter to the Honorable David L. Hobson filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by M. Butler.
12/18/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Congressman David L. Hobson.
12/04/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Ferry and Betty Bowen.
12/04/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Sam & Pat Schooley.
11/21/2000 Guidelines from Lancaster Cit Zoning Code for granting a variance, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Collins.
11/16/2000 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Stanley Robinson.
11/09/2000 ICN #0067 Correspondence letter and petitions regarding the application, filed by L. Gorsuch, Gorsuch Enterprises. (185 pgs.)
10/27/2000 ICN #0066 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Robert L. Speer. (7 pgs.)
10/27/2000 ICN #0065 Motion for admission of applicant's Exhibit Nos. 6-11 and memorandum in support, filed on behalf of appli- cant by C. Schraff. (3 pgs.)
10/26/2000 ICN #0064 Response to intervenors' motion for preparation of a written report by the administrative law judge, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (6 pgs.)
10/25/2000 ICN #0063 Correspondence regarding the guidelines from Lancaster City Zoning Code for granting a variance, filed on behalf of Gorsuch Enterprises by C. Collins. (5 pgs.)
10/25/2000 ICN #0062 Response letter to Jean Marie Braden, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
10/19/2000 ICN #0061 Motion for preparation of a written report by the Administrative Law Judge, filed on behalf of inter- venors, The Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox, by R. Sugarman. (4 pgs.)
10/19/2000 ICN #0060 Correspondence letters opposing the application, filed by Stan and Zelma Robinson and Jean Marie Braden. (2 pgs.)
10/18/2000 ICN #0059 Response letter to Mr. Stephen Bitler, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
10/13/2000 ICN #0058 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of intervenors, The Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox, by R. Sugarman. (75 pgs.)
10/13/2000 ICN #0057 Petitions that have been gathered in opposition of the application, filed by Christine Collins. (162 pgs.)
10/13/2000 ICN #0056 Reply brief filed on behalf of the PUCO staff by M. Satterwhite; and M. Malone, Environmental Enforcement Section. (10 pgs.)
10/13/2000 ICN #0055 Post-hearing brief filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (49 pgs.)
10/12/2000 ICN #0054 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Stephen and Catherine Bitler. (2 pgs.)
10/12/2000 ICN #0053 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Ferry and Betty Bowen. (1 pg.)
10/12/2000 ICN #0052 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Sam and Pat Schooley. (1 pg.)
10/06/2000 Transcript applicant's Exhibit Nos. 6 through 11. Volume III
10/06/2000 Post-Hearing Brief of applicant DPL Energy, Inc. Filed by C. Schraff (26 pgs)
10/06/2000 Post-Hearing Brief of intervenors Gorsuch Investment limited partnership and Dorothy B. Fox. Respectfully submitted by, R. Sugarman (46 pgs)
10/06/2000 Post-Hearing Brief of applicant DPL Energy, Inc. Filed by C. Schraff (26 pgs)
10/06/2000 Post-Hearing Brief submitted on behalf of the staff of the Ohio Power Siting Broad. (31 pgs)
10/06/2000 Post hearing brief, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
10/05/2000 Post hearing brief; filed on behalf Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox by R. Sugarman.
10/05/2000 ICN #0046 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/21/00, (SD), 188 pgs., Con't. (Volume II) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
10/04/2000 ICN #0045 Transcript filed for hearing held 9/20/00, (SD), 127 pgs., Con't. (Volume I) (PUCO-Columbus, OH)
10/02/2000 Objection to the motion for site visit filed by W. Wright on behalf of the Attorney General's office. (2 pgs)
10/02/2000 Response of applicatnt to intervenors motion for a site visit filed by C. Schraff. (4 pgs)
10/02/2000 Letter written in support of the proposed DPL Energy Gas Fired Power Plant in Hocking Township, Fairfield County filed by G. Stebelton. (3 pgs)
09/27/2000 ICN #0039 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by C. Heister, Lancaster Board of Realtors. (3 pgs.)
09/27/2000 Motion for site visit and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership and Dorothy B. Fox by R. Sugarman. (4 pgs.)
09/27/2000 ICN #0040 Correspondence letter supporting the application, filed by G. Stebelton, Stebelton, Aranda & Snider. (4 pgs.)
09/21/2000 ICN #0038 Proof of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by E. Rizer. (2 pgs.)
09/19/2000 ICN #0037 Entry ordering that DPLE's motion for a protective order is granted to the extent set forth in Finding 6. (AE) (2 pgs.)
09/15/2000 ICN #0036 Confidential Site Selection Study filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (23 pgs.) (FILED UNDER SEAL)
09/15/2000 ICN #0035 Motion for protective order and memorandum in support filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (15 pgs.)
09/15/2000 ICN #0034 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Karen Marshall. (1 pg.)
09/14/2000 ICN #0032 Correspondence letter opposing the application, filed by Stephen and Catherine Bitler. (1 pg.)
09/14/2000 ICN #0033 Correspondence letter opposing the application filed. (1 pg.)
09/12/2000 ICN #0031 Response letter to Mr. Robert Williams, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
09/08/2000 Letter regarding the application to Dayton Power and Light for building a generating station near Crumley Rd, in hocking Township, Fairfield County filed by J. Tilley.
09/05/2000 ICN #0030 Correspondence in support of the application, file by K. Patel, Knights Inn. (1 pg.)
09/05/2000 Letter in support of project filed by Kirtesh Patel, owner Knights Inn
09/01/2000 ICN #0027 Correspondence regarding the application, filed by C. Collins. (12 pgs.)
09/01/2000 ICN #0028 Petition for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Gorsuch Investment Limited Part- nership by R. Sugarman. (6 pgs.) (FILED 8/31/00)
09/01/2000 ICN #0029 Staff Report filed. (43 pgs.)
08/31/2000 Motion to intervene and memorandum in support; filed on behalf of Gorsuch Investment Limited Partnership by R. Sugarman.
08/31/2000 Petition to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf Dorothy G. Fox by R. Sugarman.
08/31/2000 ICN #0025 Petition for leave to intervene and memorandum in support filed on behalf of Dorothy G. Fox by R. Suger- man. (7 pgs.)
08/31/2000 ICN #0026 Various correspondence letters in opposition by consumers and response by staff filed. (21 pgs.)
08/30/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
08/30/2000 Letter regarding a fax that was sent from Ms. Christine Collins, Gorsuch Enterprises, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
08/30/2000 ICN # 0024 Correspondence requesting that Ms. Christine Collins' of Goruch Enterprises fax docketed on August 22, 2000, be disregarded in its entirety and stricken from the public record, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff.
08/30/2000 ICN #0024 Correspondence requesting that Ms. Christine Collins' of Gorsuch Enterprises fax docketed on August 22, 2000, be disregarded in its entirety and stricken from the public record, filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (2 pgs.)
08/25/2000 Proof of Publication (Lancaster-Eagle Gazette).
08/25/2000 Correspondence letter supporting application filed by J. Rarey, Columbus/Central Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council
08/25/2000 ICN #0023 Proof of Publication filed on behalf of applicant by E. Rizer. (4 pgs.) (Fairfield County)
08/25/2000 ICN #0022 Correspondence in support of the application, filed by J. Rarey, Columbus, Central Ohio Building and construction Trades Council. (1 pg.)
08/24/2000 ICN #0021 Entry of appearance filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (2 pgs.)
08/24/2000 Entry of appearance filed on behalf of applicant by C. Schraff. (2 pgs.)
08/23/2000 Proof of publication filed on behalf of applicant by E. Rizer.
08/23/2000 ICN #0020 Additional information filed on behalf of appli- cant by E. Rizer. (4 pgs.)
08/22/2000 ICN #0019 Correspondence letter regarding the application filed by C. Collins, Gorsuch Enterprises. (1 pg.)
08/22/2000 Correspondence letter filed on behalf of Gorsuch Enterprises by C. Collins. (1 pg.)
07/26/2000 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed on behalf of Gorsuch Enterprises by C. Collins. (3 pgs.)
07/26/2000 ICN #0018 Correspondence regarding the application, filed by C. Collins, Gorsuch Enterprises. (3 pgs.)
07/25/2000 ICN #0017 Response letters to various consumers, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (8 pgs.)
07/25/2000 Reponse letter to Ms. Smith filed by A. Schriber.
07/21/2000 ICN #0016 Correspondence letter in opposition to the application filed by C. Collins, Fairfield Homes, Inc (4 pgs
07/20/2000 ICN #0015 Response letter to Perry Township Trustees, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff.
07/20/2000 ICN #0015 Response letter to Perry Township Trustees, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
07/18/2000 #0014, Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Perry Township Trustees.
07/18/2000 ICN #0015 Response letter to Perry Township Trustees, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff.
07/18/2000 ICN #0014 Correspondence letter regarding the application, filed by Perry Township Trustees. (1 pg.)
07/14/2000 ICN #0013 Correspondence letters in opposition to the application filed on behalf of various consumers.
07/14/2000 ICN #0013 Correspondence letters in opposition to the application filed on behalf of various consumers. (84 pgs)
07/12/2000 Entry ordered local public hearing to be held on 9/20/00 @ 7:00 p.m., County Commissioners' Meeting Rm. 3rd Fl. of the Fairfield Co. Courthouse, 210 E. Main St., Lancaster OH. The Adjudicatory Hearing be held on 9/21/00 @ 10:00 in the office of the PUCO. (AE) (2 pages)
07/12/2000 Entry ordered local public hearing to be held on 9/20/00 @ 7:00 p.m., County Commissioners' Meeting Rm. 3rd Fl. of the Fairfield Co. Courthouse, 210 E. Main St., Lancaster OH. The Adjudicatory Hearing be held on 9/21/00 @ 10:00 in the office of the PUCO. (AE) (2 pgs.)
06/28/2000 ICN #0011 Notice of Intervention filed on behalf of William J. Reese, Hocking Township Board of Trustees.
06/21/2000 ICN #0100 Proof of service letters filed on behalf of applicant by E. Riekert. (12 pgs.)
06/05/2000 ICN #0009 Correspondence regarding the application, filed by C. Collins. (3 pgs.)
06/05/2000 ICN #0008 Response letter to Ms. Christine S. Collins, Gorsuch Enterprises, filed by K. Wissman, PUCO staff. (1 pg.)
06/01/2000 ICN #0007 Correspondence letter to Mr. Kirk Guy, filed on behalf of the PUCO staff. (2 pgs.)
03/22/2000 ICN #0006 Letter from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service concerning the proposed Lancaster Electric Genera- ting Station in Fairfield County, filed on behalf of appli- cant by F. Brayton, P.E. (3 pgs.)
03/09/2000 This letter is regarding DPL Energy Inc. proposed Lancaster Electric Generating Facility, Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey. Filed by E. Riekert (1 pg)
02/16/2000 ICN #0004 Application filed on behalf of applicant by K. Guy. (FILED 2/15/00 INCORRECTLY AS A NEW CASE: NO. 00- 326-EL-BGN, WHICH HAS SINCE BEEN VOIDED)
01/28/2000 ICN #0003 Motion for waivers of requirements of O.R.C. 4906.06(A) and O.A.C. 4906-5-04 and request for expedited ruling on application filed on behalf of applicant by E. Rizer. (3 pgs.)
01/26/2000 ICN #0002 Entry ordering that DPLE's motion for waivers of the filing time requirements and the requirement for fully developed alternative site information are granted as set forth in Findings 3 and 5. (AE) (3 pgs.)
01/20/2000 ICN #0001 In the matter of the application of DPL Energy, Inc. for an electric generating plant, Lancaster Electric Generating Station project.
01/19/2000 ICN #0001 In the matter of the application of DPL Energy, Inc. for an electric generating plant, Lancaster Electric Generating Station project.