DIS - Case Record for 05-0704-EL-ATA Skip to main content

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Industry Code: EL-ELECTRIC
Purpose Code: ATA-Application for tariff approval
Date Opened: 5/27/2005
Date Closed:
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Date FiledSummaryPages
06/08/2020Notice of withdrawal of Counsel Thomas W. McNamee electronically filed by Mrs. Kimberly M Naeder on behalf of PUCO.5
12/22/2011Supreme Court Document The following decision, announcement or notice of action by the Supreme Court of Ohio with respect to this case is provided solely for the information and convenience of the reader, and should not be construed as a part of the record of this case before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, and may be subject to formal revision before it is published in the Ohio Official Reports. The Court’s opinions from 1992 to the present are available online from the Reporter of Decisions at http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/ROD/ - Slip Opinion (August 29, 2007) [Cite as Elyria Foundry Co. v. Pub. Util. Comm., 114 Ohio St.3d 305, 2007-Ohio-4164.] electronically filed by Kimberly L Keeton on behalf of Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.27
10/06/2010Notice of withdrawal of counsel, L. McAlister, filed on behalf of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC by J. Clark. 5
10/19/2006Motion to withdraw on behalf of Green Mountain Energy Company by R. Pace.3
05/25/2006Supreme court transmittal papers. (S.C. No. 06-0830)12
05/25/2006Service Notice9
05/01/2006Notice of appeal of appellant WPS Energy Services, Inc.9
04/26/2006Notice of appeal of appellant, Elyria Foundry Company. ( SS# 06-0830).10
04/04/2006Tariff sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission 's Entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Ohio Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. (original)8
04/04/2006Tariff sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 34 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed S. Hadick. (original)9
04/04/2006Tariff sheets 1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Toledo Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. (original)10
04/03/2006Tariff original sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 34 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company filed by S. Hadick. ( FAX) 9
04/03/2006Tariff original sheets 1, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all Grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Ohio Edison Company filed by S. Hadick. ( FAX)8
04/03/2006Tariff sheets 1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 all of which reflect the January 1, 2007 expiration date for all grandfathered rate schedules as required by the Commission's entry on rehearing dated March 1, 2006, for the Toledo Edison Company filed by S. Hadick.10
03/01/2006Entry on rehearing denying Movants' motion to intervene; that the applications for rehearing of Constellation and Elyria and the motion for leave to file an application are denied; that the motion of Movants' for oral arguments is denied.10
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Attorney General:
Wright, William
McNamee, Thomas
Attorney Examiner:
Shailer, John